“The attention to the college entrance process is a welcome shift from the near-maniacal focus on the SAT as a maker or breaker of young lives.”
USA Today - March 21, 1996
“Princeton Review’s software uses impudent humor to make the test-prep grind a little less onerous.”
WALL STREET JOURNAL - October 26, 1995
[M]y clear favorite is Inside the SAT, which I found easiest to use and packed with practical knowledge and strategies delivered with a refreshing irreverence and sense of humor.”
THE NEW YORK TIMES - April 27, 1995
[Inside the SAT is] the most visually appealing and therefore the easiest to comprehend at a glance - overall, the best of the group.”
BUSINESS WEEK - October 2, 1995
“Has the sense of humor that may appeal to youths, [and] uses video lessons and animations to make rote topics fun.”